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When you choose the automatic door to buy to use for your family or corporate office, we need to pay attention to some rhymes to the cost of any of this money. However, the automatic door market has appeared many false and counterfeit goods are not quality, bad quality often occurs error, even in the most need, such as fire, intrusion So we have to consider carefully when choosing to buy the door for yourself
- Technical factors of automatic doors: including information on:
Sticky: sticky should be transparent, slit, rectangular, different colors, it is best to choose the nanny made of PVC or aluminum material is not twisted shape ...
The bottom should choose a good quality alloy made of quality, Design the right size of the door
Sleeve cover: Typically designed in 7.0mm steel, covered by a galvanized steel shell with a thickness of 0.8mm.
Guiding Ray: It is recommended to choose from a 3.0mm thick steel for the door to have enough hardness when operating. Even in areas frequently affected by strong storms.
The spring balancing system is mounted in the roll axis to support the body of the door. The spring system must be sturdy and easy to use
The voltage used to ensure reasonable lift makes the door strong and smooth operation.
Office: 73, 3st., Hamlet 5, Binh Hung Ward, Binh Chanh Dist., HCMC, Vietnam
Tel: 089 810 1800
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